Facilitation for in-depth learning and comprehensive professional competence in the health care worker education


  • Kaija-Liisa Magnussen OsloMet YLU
  • Ann Lisa Sylte OsloMet YLU




in-depth learning, coherence, practice-based learning, work-life-learning, comprehensive-vocational-learning.


Previous research shows major relevance problems with a lack of coherence between theory and practice and between the content of the education and the work task in the profession. However, the curriculum reform The Subject Renewal 2020 emphasizes more in-depth learning and comprehensive vocational competence in the training of health care workers in Norway.
The research questions were about what content can develop students' in-depth learning and comprehensive professional competence and how practice can be organized at health-care-worker-education (HFA), seen from a work-life and student perspective. The empirical basis is based on group interviews and individual in-depth interviews (2018-2019).
The results show a lack of coherence between the school and the working life on what characterizes relevant content and organization of the practical training at HFA. At the same time, the results point to the importance of content that emphasizes a comprehensive patient approach linked to comprehensive professional competence rather than school assignments that emphasize individual disciplines and procedures. The results also pointed to the organization of practices that involved a collective responsibility for the students because it provides better continuity, as well as broader and more varied practice experiences for the students.


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How to Cite

Magnussen, K.-L. ., & Sylte, A. L. (2022). Facilitation for in-depth learning and comprehensive professional competence in the health care worker education. Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development, 7(1), 20–39. https://doi.org/10.7577/sjvd.4282



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