Diploma of Vocational Pedagogy
A point of departure for development of practice
Development of practice, school development, development of teaching, organizational development, , vocational teacher education, teacher trainingAbstract
‘Development of practice’ is part of the learning objectives at the Diploma of Vocational Pedagogy (DVP). However, what is meant with development of practice is not elaborated. This article intends to illustrate what development of practice as part of the DVP might be, and what might be of significance when working with development of practice. This focus is based on the requirement to develop practice as declared in the executive order as well as experiences showing that it might be difficult for both students and teachers to work with development of practice when the term is vaguely defined.
The article addresses the issue: What might development of practice look like at the DVP? This is explored through the research question: How can development of practice be part of the master project at the DVP, and which influence do contextual and individual factors have on this process? The article is based on a qualitative study. The purpose of this study is to contribute to didactical development with the intention to support students working with development of practice. The study is a longitudinal study with an intervention on the master project, and with a focus group interview at the end of the study.
The analytical approach is inspired by Billet’s and Eraut’s research in workplace learning as well as Dalin’s work with school development. The analysis shows that development of practice at the DVP can take form as development of teaching and development of the organisation. The results indicate that these different approaches result in diverse study processes for the students, and is affected by the relationship to co-workers, managers and others. This must be taken into account in the didactical approach when supporting students in developing practice.
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