Competence aims in a vocational training perspective

Designing competence aims in a vocational curriculum




Vocational subjects, Curriculum, Competence aims, Vocational training, Curriculum planning group


This article addresses the design of the competence aims, in the new 1st-year curriculum for the restaurant- and food preparation programme following the Subject Renewal reform (LK20) in 2020.

It is easy to consider competence aims in a curriculum as something “fixed and unchangeable”, the purpose of this article therefore is to illustrate choices and judgments behind the formulation of the competence aims in the first-year vocational curriculum for the restaurant- and food preparation programme.

Since competence aims in vocational curricula, are of great importance for both teaching content, learning activities and assessment, new knowledge about how they are formulated can contribute, not only to future curriculum development work, but also in curricula analysis and implementation of new curricula in schools.

In this article, interviews are conducted with the members of the curriculum planning group responsible for the first-year vocational programme in restaurant- and food preparation. The interviews took place between October 2018 to June 2019. The curriculum-group´s work was completed when the draft of the new educational programme was sent to the Directorate of Education (UDIR) for acceptance.

The results from the interviews suggest that the curriculum planning group positions itself within a pragmatic tradition with emphasis on an eclectic approach to vocational theory and relevant professional practice by using both knowledge and action verbs in the competence aims. The competence aims are relatively broad and open to interpretation; however each aim has a clearly defined element of learning.

Further the competence aims are also subject- and vocational- neutral which allows students, with different career plans, to specialize already in their first year.

The article summarizes four perspectives that can provide a framework for future work with competence aims in vocational curricula.


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How to Cite

Spetalen, H. (2022). Competence aims in a vocational training perspective: Designing competence aims in a vocational curriculum. Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development, 7(1), 84–102.



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