Pedagogy and didactic in vocational education with general and vocational perspectives




demokrati, aktionsforskning, erhvervspædagogik, social- og sundhedsuddannelser


Danish vocational education and training, VET, have a duality built into vocational pedagogy, as education has general and vocational purposes. Therefore, the article aims to contribute to understanding this duality based on the notion of democracy. The Vocational Education and Training Act states that education should “contribute to developing the educational seekers’ interest in and ability to actively participate in a democratic society.” Since there are no formal guidelines for how democracy can be taught, the article takes an inductive approach based on action research at a social and healthcare college. A group of teachers, a leader, and the researcher met for a year and generated empirical data that includes dialogues, logbooks, teaching observations and interviews.

The article asks how teachers implement the formulation of democracy, and this is analysed based on three approaches: 1) Bernstein’s concept of recontextualisation, 2) Illeris’ model for learning and work patterns, and 3) the understanding of democracy. The results show that the purpose is not well known, but everyone finds ways to teach with democracy didactically. Participatory democracy is its most dominant understanding. There is great variation about the duality and balance between the general and the vocational purpose. Didactic variation is seen when considering the shared the control by participants and teachers including forms of knowledge. Based on these different ways of recontextualisation in vocational pedagogy, the article argues that contextual didacticism has advantages that are central tasks for schools and teacher education to support.


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How to Cite

Duch, H. (2025). Pedagogy and didactic in vocational education with general and vocational perspectives. Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development, 10(1), 257–271.



Special issue on vocational didactics