The Norwegian subject in vocational education – a cross-pressure between multiple considerations?
There is a lack of research on general subjects within VET. This article examines the general subject Norwegian and focus specifically on the phenomenon vocational orientation approach.
Through interviews with ten teachers in the Norwegian subject at several vocational programmes, this article explores how experienced teachers perceive and emphasize the vocational orientation approach in the Norwegian curriculum document introduced in 2020. The purpose of this study is to examine what vocational orientation approach does to content knowledge in the Norwegian subject. The theoretical perspectives used in the analysis and discussion encompass different dimensions of vocational orientation, the idea of powerful knowledge in school curricula, and the concept of relevance.
According to the study, the teachers find guidelines for vocational orientation primarily in the competence aims. All the Norwegian teachers are concerned with vocational orientation, and they emphasize vocational orientation more than what is expected in the curriculum text. Vocational orientation affects both teaching methods and subject-matter knowledge in the Norwegian subject at VET. The greatest challenges for a vocational approach in the Norwegian subject are factors that lie outside the curriculum and the teaching. The Norwegian teachers particularly highlight three challenges. One is that collaborative projects between teachers across subjects can easily become too large. The second is that teachers have insufficient knowledge of the content of the students' vocational subjects since they rarely see the students in action in workshops or practice. The third is that, in the teachers' perception, the new national written examination in Norwegian at VET is too generally vocational-oriented. The discussion is situated within a broader debate about the purpose and content of general subjects at VET. The article raises the question of whether Norway's curriculum model, with a common curriculum document for VET and general Programmes, is a curriculum solution that supports VET education.
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