To replenich the vocational didactic «toolbox»
a study of VET student teachers' professional development across learning contexts in higher education and teaching practice in school
vocational didactics, boundary crossing, restaurant and food industry, VET teacher educationAbstract
Since ancient times, people have distinguished between theoretical knowledge and practical skills. This divide is still evident in the field of vocational didactics, even though literature often argues that the goal of vocational education and training (VET) is to develop a holistic vocational competence consisting of both knowledge and skills. The gap between theory and practice in VET and VET teacher training can be reinforced by the fact that knowledge acquisition is often associated with learning activities in a classroom context, while the development of practical skills is frequently linked to training in realistic settings.This study aims to investigate how learning across campus-based higher education and teaching practice in upper secondary school can support the development of vocational didactic competence among VET teacher students within the field of restaurant and food industry. This study is designed as a qualitative, exploratory case study. The data consist of field notes from campus-based teaching and written reports from VET teacher students’ teaching practice. The findings show that: 1) campus-based learning must be practice-oriented and relevant for the teacher profession, 2) students must be able to apply the learning outcomes from campus-based learning in their own teaching practice, and 3) campus-based learning and students teaching practice in school must promote a connection between didactic theory and practice. We understand vocational didactics as a tool-oriented discipline and assume that students develop vocational didactic competence through boundary crossing between learning arenas. We argue that VET teacher education must recognize the vocational didactic competence that students bring with them into the program and use it as a foundation for further development. The study suggests that it is necessary to challenge the gap between theory and practice in vocational didactics and understand the connection between knowledge and skills as a prerequisite for the existence of this educational field.
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