Vocational didactics meeting ePortfolios
e-portfolios, vocational didactics, transitions, design researchAbstract
This article is based on an innovation and research project aimed at improving documentation and learning systems in vocational education and training (VET), supported by a holistic vocational pedagogical framework. Throughout the project, we found increasing use of various digital documentation systems. However, we noted a lack of coordination between the systems and minimal vocational didactical approach to the design and use of the systems. To explore this further, we conducted a secondary analysis of data from the project focusing on 1) the potential for a new digital infrastructure that supports holistic vocational education and training, 2) differences in the design and use of documentation systems across various vocations, and 3) whether the design and use of digital documentations would influence vocational didactical theory and practice. The article draws on theories about digitization and the use of ePortfolios in VET. We also reference three different perspectives on vocational didactics within the complex landscapes of learning, particularly regarding digital documentation in between schools and companies. In the final section, we discuss our findings in relation to the theories of digitization and vocational didactics and elaborate an expanded view of vocational didactics. Firstly, we introduce the term ‘vocational specific didactics’ to address professional inequalities. Secondly, we emphasize the importance of vocational specific didactical design of digital infrastructures throughout the entire VET. In addition, arrangements are necessary for transitions between all levels of VET (vocational didactical transition rituals from Vg1 to Vg2 and from Vg2 to Vg3). Learning perspectives in the design and use of digital documentation systems are discussed in the context of learning analytics.
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