Vocational Didactic Approaches to the Use of ePortfolio in the Child and Youth Care Worker Program

Coherence and Continuity in a Four-Year Course





Vocational Didactics, ePortfolio, Child and Youth Care Worker Training, Self-Regulation, Boundary Crossing


The vocational training for child and youth care workers was established as a distinct educational pathway under Reform '94. This profession is primarily associated with the public sector, involving work in kindergartens, schools, after-school programs, and youth clubs, covering the age group 0-18 years. In line with the Norwegian school reform, Fagfornyelsen, there is an increasing expectation for students and apprentices in vocational training to lead their own learning processes. This involves reflecting on their own performance and identifying learning needs. Teachers and instructors are challenged to prepare students for complex and changing work environments using new technology.

Results indicate that the use of ePortfolio as a digital learning folder effectively bridges school-based and workplace-based training. Implementing an ePortfolio didactic can enhance students' professional identity and pride, making the training more meaningful. However, this requires close collaboration between teachers and training offices. Evidence suggests that the use of digital documentation and learning tools helps bridge different learning arenas and upholds the curriculum framework's principle of "learning to learn". The article is based on empirical data from an innovation and research project aimed at improving documentation and learning systems in vocational education and training, focusing on how ePortfolio didactic can be applied in the child and youth care worker training. The research method used is a design-based approach, and the design criteria are based on a technological pedagogical framework, the TPACK model.


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How to Cite

Stenholm, B. (2025). Vocational Didactic Approaches to the Use of ePortfolio in the Child and Youth Care Worker Program: Coherence and Continuity in a Four-Year Course. Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development, 10(1), 82–97. https://doi.org/10.7577/sjvd.5932



Special issue on vocational didactics