To catch with your eye and feel with your hands.

Exhibition as a creative process and educational approach


  • Astrid Hus University of Southeast Norway
  • Kirstine Riis University of Southeast Norway



Presenting products and materials in didactic exhibitions can be an important support for teaching and guidance in the practice of a textile teacher. Finding materials for the exhibition is an important preparation for me as a teacher, as the creative work helps me dive into the theme I wish to teach the students. In this study, A/r/tography was used as methodological approach. Through a teaching period where use of exhibitions as a didactic approach was carried out, observations were made on the students experiences. In addition, a survey was conducted with ten students who answered a questionnaire on the possible benefits they had experienced in this didactic approach. The analysis of the study conveys knowledge of how exhibitions can be used as aesthetic communication and didactic approach that can strengthen a holistic teaching approach and provide inspiration for teachers in creative practices.

Author Biography

Kirstine Riis, University of Southeast Norway

Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap
Institutt for estetiske fag, Campus Notodden


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How to Cite

Hus, A., & Riis, K. (2020). To catch with your eye and feel with your hands.: Exhibition as a creative process and educational approach. FormAkademisk, 13(3).

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