Digital skills as ready-made or raw material?


  • Ingrid Holmboe Høibo University of Southeast Norway
  • Morten Henrik Lerpold University of Southeast Norway



Digital skills, art and craft, embodied- and material-based learning, maker movement, democracy


In todays digitalized society, there is a significant change in material preconditions of learning, from specific and analog to digital and virtual learning environments. Parallel to the massive digital investment in the Nordic education systems, a global movement called the “maker movement” has emerged. Through a study of curricula, learning theories, own practice, practical examples and the growing “maker movement”, this article examines how this movement can contribute to a broader and more multi-faceted approach to digital competence in Arts and Crafts. We question whether the education system and the education policy to a greater extent should rely on research basedknowledge on the body and the material role in children’s learning when developing arts and craft as a subject in primary school education.




Author Biographies

Ingrid Holmboe Høibo, University of Southeast Norway

Assistant Professor and PhD candidate
University of South-Eastern Norway
Department of Visual and Performing Arts Education

Morten Henrik Lerpold, University of Southeast Norway

Associate Professor
University of South-Eastern Norway
Department of Visual and Performing Arts Education



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How to Cite

Høibo, I. H., & Lerpold, M. H. (2020). Digital skills as ready-made or raw material?. FormAkademisk, 13(3).

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