Supporting creativity

What can support or hinder teachers to focus on creativity in art and crafts?


  • Brynjar Olafsson Universitetet i Sør-øst Norge



Kreativitet, utdanningsforskning, kunst og håndverk, grunnskolen


The development of children’s creativity has gained more attention in compulsory education in recent years. Both the previous (KL06) and the current (KL20) Norwegian curriculum in art and crafts places great emphasis on creativity. However, there is little research-based knowledge about how to meet the curriculum goals. This article focuses on what can support or hinder art and crafts teachers to focus on creativity. The results from eight interviews conducted in 2018 show that factors such as professional knowledge, economics, school leadership and time could hinder teachers in emphasizing creativity in art and crafts. However, the respondents felt that the curriculum was supportive as it was open and flexible. They were also aware that their own creativity affected the students' work. Furthermore, most respondents found challenges in defining and assessing creativity. The article concludes that it is necessary to support internal factors such as teachers' competence and understanding of creativity, and external factors such as time, access to materials and equipment in order to realize better the goal of developing students' creativity in arts and crafts.



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How to Cite

Olafsson, B. (2020). Supporting creativity: What can support or hinder teachers to focus on creativity in art and crafts?. FormAkademisk, 13(3).

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