Editorial. Education for new practice II

– Technology, design and sustainability across professions


  • Liv Merete Nielsen Oslo Metropolitan University
  • Arild Berg Oslo Metropolitan University
  • Peter Haakonsen Oslo Metropolitan University
  • Marius Lysebo Oslo Metropolitan University
  • Eva Lutnæs Oslo Metropolitan University




education, technology, design, sustainability


This special issue of FormAkademisk is the second in a series that summarizes the lighthouse project Education for technology, design and innovation (2016–2021). The first issue was published in 2020 (Nielsen et al., 2020). The lighthouse project was funded by the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design (TKD), Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet). Now that the project has come to an end, it shows two areas where it has contributed to the development of practice. This applies to the development of fruit­ful collaboration on teaching, technology and research within TKD, and also with external researchers and institutions. Furthermore, it applies to international profiling of design and design education re­search in TKD through international research networks, publications and conferences.

Author Biographies

Liv Merete Nielsen , Oslo Metropolitan University

Professor Emerita (PhD)

Arild Berg , Oslo Metropolitan University

Professor (dr. arts)

Peter Haakonsen, Oslo Metropolitan University

Assistans Professor (MA)

Marius Lysebo, Oslo Metropolitan University

Vice-Dean Faculty of Technology, Art and Design
Associate Professor (PhD)

Eva Lutnæs, Oslo Metropolitan University

Professor (PhD)



How to Cite

Nielsen , L. M., Berg , A. ., Haakonsen, P., Lysebo, M. ., & Lutnæs, E. . (2021). Editorial. Education for new practice II: – Technology, design and sustainability across professions . FormAkademisk, 14(3). https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.4751

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