Spacetime-mattering and subjectivation

Art and Craft education under posthuman conditions


  • Monica Klungland Universitetet i Agder



Kunst- og håndverksdidaktikk, posthumanisme, individualisme, subjekteksistens og materialitet


Through a market-liberal education policy, school and education are trapped under historical conditions that can be understood through a definition of a posthuman predicament. This has led to a rational pedagogy that challenges the humane aspect of education and brings with it a risk that both the student and teacher are led towards individualism. In arts and crafts individualism can be challenged by toning down the focus on the acquisition of defined skills and on the production of original and personal objects. Instead, we can highlight how space, time and movement are both the subject's tools and at the same time something that comes into being in the subject's creative practice. By being attentively present in creative practice with materials, which takes place here and now, students can develop joy in creation, engagement and a desire to explore. In dialogue with a material and social world, they can experience how to exist as subject and gain experience in exercising ethical and aesthetic responsibility. In this way, they can develop faith that a different future is possible.


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How to Cite

Klungland, M. (2023). Spacetime-mattering and subjectivation: Art and Craft education under posthuman conditions. FormAkademisk, 16(2).

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