To shape a creative gaze

Photography at the intersection of technical skill and critical understanding






The article deals with what it implies to learn to do photography well and uses this as a vantage point to discuss the relationship between sensemaking and the acquisition of knowledge and skills. The article builds from the relationship between photography as a technique and as critical understanding; the relationship between images and society, and how these relationships have changed in recent times. Considering the teacher's role, we discuss the relationship between art and teaching, as well as between the teacher's pedagogic and subject-specific knowledge and skills alike. Further, we present the steps in a teaching practice that is intended to create interplay between understanding of images and photographic technique, and we use this for a discussion of the linkages between sensemaking and the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the classroom, as well as which prerequisites must be present in the teaching.

Author Biographies

Hilde Honerud, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge

Institutt for industriell økonomi, strategi og statsvitenskap
USN Handelshøyskolen

Jon Honerud, Univeristetet i Sørøst-Norge

Institutt for industriell økonomi, strategi og statsvitenskap
USN Handelshøyskolen



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How to Cite

Honerud, H., & Honerud, J. (2023). To shape a creative gaze : Photography at the intersection of technical skill and critical understanding. FormAkademisk, 16(2).

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