Clay and ceramics in Norwegian curricula

in the period 1922 to 2020




clay, pottery, Norwegian curricula, hermeneutic reading


The production of ceramics is among the oldest human skills, and the cultural materials clay and ceramics have been included in Norwegian curricula for about a hundred years. But during this period, the emphasis in the curricula has shifted. Therefore, this study aims to elucidate to what extent, in what way and in which academic context the words clay and ceramics have been used in the Norwegian curricula in the period 1922 to 2020. The data material included in the study are Norwegian curricula that during this period relate to clay as a material for play, clay as a material in craft tradition and clay as a material for artistic expression. The curricula are examined through textual analysis based on Goodlad and Gundem's curriculum theories. The results show that there have been significant variations in the references to clay in the curricula, and in what clay is related to. Apart from the fact that clay is always mentioned in the Primary school curricula, there is no common thread through the plans that shows a consistent connection with the three traditions of the use of clay examined in this study; material for play; material in crafts or as artistic material. The usage seems inconsistent and random. The study also shows that in the beginning of the period use of the material clay had a different development in the school subjects than drawing, textile work and woodwork.  In the first half of this period, material play and free modelling with clay is mentioned as a working method in interdisciplinary work. In the various curricula, we can also see an alternation between clay as a basis for play, clay as a material related to craft traditions or clay as a medium for artistic expression.


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Nærbilde av hender som dreier keramikk



How to Cite

Kvalbein, Åse, & Småland, E. G. (2023). Clay and ceramics in Norwegian curricula : in the period 1922 to 2020. FormAkademisk, 16(2).

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