Living in the Landscape 2021

Artbased ecoculture in an online cooperative project




Landscape, northern knowledge, posthumanism, neomaterialism, ecoculture, digital spaces


The aim of the Arctic collaborative project 'Living in the landscape' (LiLa) is to bring together students and researchers from various disciplines to develop aesthetic learning processes through culture-sensitive and sustainable research on socio-cultural landscapes in the European-Arctic region. Covid 19 meant that the project, instead of a physical meeting in a shared landscape, was changed to an Online Spring School. Participants produced artistic expressions that were presented in an online exhibition, in addition to visual essays. Based on the authors' five essays focusing on local traditions with wool, starch and down, we will show how a shared understanding of the landscape's multifaceted meaning developed in an online community across disciplines and cultural differences. Our Norwegian contributions exemplify how it is possible to convey knowledge about traditions, culture and identity in a digital cultural community.

Author Biographies

Mette Gårdvik, Nord universitet

Fakultet for lærerutdanning, kunst og kulturfag

Karin Stoll, Nord universitet

Fakultet for lærerutdanning, kunst og kulturfag

Wenche Sørmo, Nord universitet

Fakultet for lærerutdanning, kunst og kulturfag

Gary Hoffman, Nord universitet

Fakultet for lærerutdanning, kunst og kulturfag

Anne Mette Bjørnvik Rosø, Nord universitet

Fakultet for lærerutdanning, kunst og kulturfag


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Mittens hanging on the clothesline



How to Cite

Gårdvik, M., Stoll, K., Sørmo, W., Hoffman, G., & Bjørnvik Rosø, A. M. (2023). Living in the Landscape 2021 : Artbased ecoculture in an online cooperative project. FormAkademisk, 16(2).

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