Book review. Digital media and materiality


  • Lovise Søyland Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge



materiality, digital media, creative practice, book review, educational science


Jon Hoem's book is highly topical, and a long-awaited and important contribution that opens up new understandings, perspectives and opportunities related to digital media and materiality. Hoem highlights various existing views and horizons of understanding that we can use to approach materiality. It is not only the physical environment and the materials we have around us that have a materiality that can be sensed and experienced. Hoem asks important questions such as: What happens when the basic conditions for how we sense change, and how do we sense the intangible? The interplay between materials, digital technologies and people - and the creative action possibilities that lie in this link field, is one of the most central things about the book. Hoem goes into detail both on how we can understand digital materiality as an expression and as various forms of representation.

Author Biography

Lovise Søyland, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge

Lovise Søyland is an associate professor in Design, Arts and Crafts at the University of South-Eastern Norway. She is an post-doc candidate in the MAKER project and a member of the research group Embodied Making and Learning.


Hoem, J. (2021). Digitale medier og materialitet [Digital media and materiality]. Skolerobot Forlag.

Søyland, L. (2021). Grasping materialities: Making sense through explorative touch interactions with materials and digital technologies [PhD, University of South-Eastern Norway].

Cover of the book Digitale medier og materialitet



How to Cite

Søyland, L. (2022). Book review. Digital media and materiality. FormAkademisk, 15(1).



Book reviews

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