Editorial Essay. The research group Embodied Making and Learning at the University of South-Eastern Norway





Embodied Making and Learning (EMAL)


There is no one history of the research group Embodied Making and Learning (EMAL). EMAL is an interdisciplinary research group that addresses the phenomenon of embodied making and learning. We work together to achieve three main aims: to enhance quality in our research, to further community and cooperation between researchers, and to contribute to developing our field nationally and internationally.

Author Biography

Marte S. Gulliksen , University of South-Eastern Norway

Professor, PhD


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How to Cite

Gulliksen , M. S. (2023). Editorial Essay. The research group Embodied Making and Learning at the University of South-Eastern Norway . FormAkademisk, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.5186

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