Diligence, usefulness and quality. Education ideal of the Female Industrial School from 1875 to 1960


  • Randi Veiteberg Kvellestad




formation ideal, education, craft, art, diligence, benefit, quality, skill


This article focuses on the educational institution Department of Art, Design and Drama at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences’ first phase from 1875 to about 1960. Written sources about the history and art and design education, as well as specific objects from an exhibition in 2010, are tied together to provide a picture of the educational institution's purpose and discipline. Education was initially tied more to business and industry through crafts and handicrafts than to the school system. When handicrafts were established as school subjects, the subject area was justified in new ways with an emphasis on utility and skill. For decades, the education system emphasized the criteria of the crafts as Norwegian, beautiful and of high quality. Around 1920, one sees influences from the international art movements and art educational flow. This article discusses the formation ideal which is linked to the skill area; diligence and benefit, skill and patience. At the end of the article, the copying method, which characterized the teaching in previous time is connected to views in our time and thus given positive aspects.



How to Cite

Kvellestad, R. V. (2013). Diligence, usefulness and quality. Education ideal of the Female Industrial School from 1875 to 1960. FormAkademisk, 6(3). https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.532




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