Not quite A4!

The importance of exploratory, bodily and material drawing processes




analog drawing, materials, kindergarten, physical learning, artistic processes


This article presents an a/r/tographic investigation into contemporary drawing as action through a teaching project with a group of early childhood teacher education students. Our experience shows that drawing activities in kindergarten are often limited to table tasks using A4 sheets of paper. This restricts children's opportunities to engage in full-body drawing experiences and confines their expressive potential to a small, limited format. In response, we explore alternative and experimental approaches to broaden the understanding of drawing. We ask: What happens when students are invited to engage in exploratory, material, and bodily drawing processes that go beyond the A4 format? What new knowledge about drawing is produced in this expanded context? The article examines drawing processes in relation to three key areas: 1) The body's interactions (encounters?) with materials, 2) Presence, temporality, and rhythm, and 3) Risk and chance. In conclusion, we discuss how these exploratory, bodily, and material drawing practices can be integrated into the interactions between children and adults in both kindergarten and school settings.

Author Biographies

Lovise Søyland, University of South-Eastern Norway

Lovise Søyland
Associate professor in Design, Arts and Crafts (PhD)
Department of Visual and Performing Arts Education
Faculty of Humanities, Sports, and Educational Science

Ann Hege Lorvik Waterhouse , University of South-Eastern Norway

Professor (PhD)
Department of Visual and Performing Arts Education
Faculty of Humanities, Sports, and Educational Science


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How to Cite

Søyland, L., & Lorvik Waterhouse , A. H. (2024). Not quite A4! : The importance of exploratory, bodily and material drawing processes. FormAkademisk, 17(2).

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