Editorial II. Design education in China

a brief overview


  • Yang Zhang Nanjing University of the Arts
  • Lusheng Pan Shandong University of Art & Design




Editorial, Design education, China


This editorial represents a brief overview of design education in China, and then it introduces Shandong University of Art & Design (SUAD). It contains three parts. The first section describes the development of design education in China and the current situation of College Entrance Examination for design students. The second section introduces SUAD from aspects of its location, the features of design teaching and learning, and design-related actives and achievements. The last part predicts the future of design education in China.

Author Biographies

Yang Zhang, Nanjing University of the Arts

Professor (PhD)


Lusheng Pan, Shandong University of Art & Design

Professor (Doctor of Arts)



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How to Cite

Zhang, Y., & Pan, L. (2023). Editorial II. Design education in China: a brief overview. FormAkademisk, 16(5). https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.5729

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