International Association for Human Rights Education Conference London, Friday 19 April 2024


International Association for Human Rights Education Conference London

Friday 19 April 2024

We warmly invite you to join us in London for our 2024 conference. The IAHRE/ HRE conference is a meeting place for human rights education schools and practitioners and all working for social justice through education.  We will be joined from speakers from Japan, South Africa, USA and many European countries. Readers of HRER are especially welcome. The full programme is now published (below) with details of our keynote speakers, Prof Sonia Livingstone and Professor Farzana Sahin. Early bird rates are available. Discounts are also available for IAHRE members. Visit Do share this information in your networks and on social media.

Registration is now open.



From 8.15 Preparations (signage, poster boards and breakout rooms)


9.00 Registration, coffee, pastries and setting up posters: ROOM W 3.01


9.20 Welcome Professor Audrey Osler


9.25 – 10.10 Keynote 1 Professor Sonia Livingstone (LSE, London) Children’s Rights in the Digital Age


10.20 – 11.20 Panels 1 – 4 (60 mins)


Panel 1 10.20 – 11.20


Room W 3.01

Panel 2 10.20 – 11.20


Room W 4.01

Panel 3 10.20 – 11.20


Room W 2.05

Panel 4 10.20 – 11.20


Room W 2.06



Convenor Beate Goldschmidt- Gjerløw

Teaching about pornography, sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour as human rights education

4 papers, Panels 1 and 5

Piers von Berg

Liminal spaces for citizenship and human rights in higher education

Caroline Ferguson

Global Citizenship Education: Expressions and enhanced criticality through human rights education frameworks

Frauke Matz and Ricardo Römhild

On the Dialogical Relationship between Human Rights and Language Education

Jeanette Kalmar Frøvik Children's exposure to pornography - a structural children's rights challenge

Mneesha Gellman

“It helps me believe in myself”: The benefits of minority- language access for youth in the United States and Mexico

Audrey Osler

Where are you from? Family narratives and the teaching of colonial-era history

Anel Odendaal

The role of international human rights in advancing and promoting quality education in South Africa




Ragnhild Lindahl Torstensen Pornography, human rights and critical thinking in school

Ioanna Noula and Gill Main Are you listening? Revisiting Article 12 of the UNCRC in the digital age and proposing a

framework for children’s redress


Kalpani Dambagolla

Interacting with Post-conflict Storytelling for the Human Rights Pedagogy in Post-conflict Sri Lanka

Sylvie Condette

Student ambassadors against school bullying: Peer engagement to promote a culture of peace and human rights respect.


Panels 5 – 8 (60 mins)




Panel 5 W 3.01


Panel 6 W 2.05


Panel 7 W 2.06


Panel 8 W 4.01 11.30-12.30

Beate Goldschmidt-Gjerløw Students’ perceptions of learning about gender-based and sexual harassment: A struggle for recognition


Kjersti Draugedalen & Audrey Osler

Teachers as human rights defenders: strengthening theory to prevent child sexual abuse

Michael Haslip

Education for Sustainability, Altruism and Human Rights: A Guide to Praxis


Jane Williams and Yvonne Vissing

Transforming HRE into Action Learning: A multi-university project in street law


Monika Pažur

Components of an inclusive, democratic culture in

pedagogical practice of Early Childhood Education and Care Teachers in Croatia

John P. Forren and Susan V. Spellman

Short-Term Pre-College Immersion Programs: Do They Work in Promoting Civic Knowledge and Engagement?


Jiro Morita

Democratic Dialogue and Children’s Human Rights: An

Ethnographic Study of a Sudbury School in Japan


Laura Kalmes

Reading their Rights: A Case Study of Trauma-Informed, Rights-Based Pedagogy in a

United States Juvenile Detention Center


Convenor Helen Hanna Education rights for cultural and political minorities in societies affected by conflict

Helen Hanna

The Social Studies curriculum in the ‘fragile democracy’ of Thailand

Adrian Kam

Curricular changes in Hong Kong after the enactment of the National Security Law


Leanne Henderson

The replication of ethno- religious divisions in Northern Ireland: implications for children’s rights









12.30 – 13.40 LUNCH, POSTERS (70 minutes) Room W 3.01

13.00 – 13.30 AGM

13.40 – 14.20 KEYNOTE 2 Room W 3.01

Professor Farzana Shain (Goldsmiths, University of London) Human Rights Education in the Post-9/11 Era: Gaps, Silences, and Possibilities


Panel 9 W 3.01 14.30 – 15.30

Panel 10 W 4.01 14.30 – 15.30

Panel 11 W 2.06 14.30 – 15.30



Workshop Youth empowerment through human rights education

Kate Moriarty and Elisa Gazzotti lead an interactive workshop on their new multimedia resource Changemakers: Stories of Young Human Rights Educators; produced by Amnesty International, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and Soka Gakkai International

Maayke de Vries

A Critical Exploration of Powerful Knowledge in Human Rights Education


Rhona Smith

Integrating human rights education, research and practice: dilemmas for academics


Eva Lindhardt

Human Rights Education as a Frame for Transmitting Cultural Heritage and Teaching Controversial Issues in Religious Education

Rachel Shanks

Human Rights Education through school clothing policies and practices


Johanna Ohlsson

A critical assessment of legal and non-legal clinic courses for human rights higher education programmes


Christina Johnsson

Subject-ness and Transformation in Swedish University Human Rights Education





15.40 – 16.00 TEA BREAK (20 mins) Room W 3.01

16.00 – 1700 Plenary Panel W 3.01

Symposium: Nordic Perspectives on Human Rights Education: Research and Practice for Social Justice

Marta Stachurska-Kounta

Silencing and exclusion in colonial history teaching and implications for HRE: Lessons from the Nordic region

Rebecca Adami

Human rights education and epistemic justice: international movements against structural social injustices

Hadi Strømmen Lile

Human rights education – revisited

Reetta Toivanen and Tuija Kasa

The Finnish national human rights institutions’ approach to human rights education


Stefanie Uhl Libraries as a place for Human Rights Education – An ethical perspective on duties and possibilities

Yvonne Vissing, Eliza Bobeck “How To” Design a University Center for Human Rights Education

Charlotte Fielder and Helen Trivers The Rights Respecting Schools Award;

Christina Johnsson Universal Design for Learning as an approach to Human Rights Education;

Jess Terbrueggen Human Rights Education Now! Podcast: Building a Space for Critical Human Rights Education Discussions in the U.S.

Kalpani Dambagolla Herstories of War Experience: An Analysis of Selected War-narratives of Women in Post-war Sri Lanka for the Human Rights Discourse