Mediatised human rights education: the (challenging) role of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation




The purpose of this article is to analyse and discuss Selma and the Quest for the Perfect Faith, a TV series made by The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation and promoted for use in schools, and the accompanying teaching material about freedom of religion made by Save the Children. We discuss the series and material critically from a human rights and a human rights education perspective, and evaluate their suitability for use in religious education. The article is informed by mediatisation theory and argues that freedom of religion is primarily operationalised in accordance with journalistic criteria for presenting religion, and that it does not sufficiently balance the rights of children and the liberty of parents. This is inconsistent with sound human rights education and highlights the need for critical awareness when operationalising educational material produced and distributed by media actors for use in the classroom.



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Author Biographies

Ole Henrik Borchgrevink Hansen, Østfold University College, Norway

Ole Henrik Borchgrevink Hansen is Associate Professor in Religious Education at Østfold University College, Norway. His research interests are centred around political philosophy, human rights, didactics of religion and ethics.

Audun Toft, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society, Norway

Audun Toft is Associate Professor in Religious Education at the MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society. His research is mainly located within the fields of religious education and media, religion and culture, with focus on the use of media material in the RE classroom.


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How to Cite

Hansen, O. H. B., & Toft, A. (2022). Mediatised human rights education: the (challenging) role of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. Human Rights Education Review, 5(1), 28–46.

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