Human rights and children’s rights in worldview education in Finland




In this article we examine the profiling of human rights and children’s rights in religious education (RE) and its secular alternative in Finland. We use the term ‘worldview education’ to describe the combination of these subjects. We analyse what kinds of human rights and ethical issues are raised in Finnish worldview education. One specific focus is the explicit mention of human rights and children’s rights in the worldview education section of the Finnish national core curriculum (2014). We conclude that the curriculum gives plenty of space to human rights and children’s rights, and that this enables one to conceive of human rights as being an overarching ethical perspective in worldview education. Nevertheless, we indicate that the organisation of worldview education in Finland has some problems when it comes to the realisation of children’s freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.


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How to Cite

Salmenkivi, E., Kasa, T., Putkonen, N., & Kallioniemi, A. (2022). Human rights and children’s rights in worldview education in Finland. Human Rights Education Review, 5(1), 47–69.

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