Educating children about sexual orientation and gender identity post-marriage equality in Australia




Australia achieved marriage equality in 2017, following a controversial and divisive postal survey which invited all Australians to ‘vote’ on whether same-sex couples should be allowed to marry. The ‘No’ campaign focused on the alleged negative impact of marriage equality on children’s education. Scare-mongering television clips claimed that boys would start wearing dresses to school and radical sex and gender education would become mandatory. Four years later, it is timely to consider the legacy of the ‘No’ campaign on education. An analysis of developments since marriage equality was achieved, reveals that LGBTQ+ students have become more vulnerable to discrimination and there is less human rights education (HRE) about diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. The article concludes with six recommendations for measures to combat these negative developments.



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Author Biographies

Paula Gerber, Monash University

Paula Gerber is Professor in the Law Faculty and Deputy Director of the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

Phoebe Irving Lindner, Monash University

Phoebe Irving Lindner is Research Assistant in the Law Faculty, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.


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How to Cite

Gerber, P., & Lindner, P. I. (2022). Educating children about sexual orientation and gender identity post-marriage equality in Australia. Human Rights Education Review, 5(2), 4–31.



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