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Som en del av insändningsprocessen måste författare kryssa för att bidraget uppfyller följande krav. Bidrag som inte uppfyller kraven kan komma att skickas tillbaka till författaren.
  • The manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The manuscript file has been delivered in Microsoft Word. All identifying markers are removed.
  • As far as possible, DOIs have been provided for all sources quoted that are available online through digital object identifiers (DOIs), also those that provide access to Open Access versions of the source.
  • The text follows the format requirements regarding style and formatting of bibliographies listed in the Guidelines for author submissions, under"About the journal".
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • The author/s confirm that all relevant research ethics assessments have been made of the manuscript, and are willing to account for this upon request.
  • The author/s have read and complied with the journal's policy on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Guidelines for author submissions, under"About the journal".

Riktlinjer för författare

NJCIE Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Authors must closely follow the guidelines and avoid formatting other than that which has been specified.

There are no charges for publishing or submitting manuscripts to this journal.

Pictures, figures, tables, endnotes, and the bibliography should be presented in the manuscript file in the way in which the author wants them to appear. If additional tools are used to generate references, tables, or figures (such as EndNote or Excel), the elements to be included must be made as simple and stable as possible.

Authors must comply with the NJCIE Guidelines on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Article requirements: 

  • Please download and use the Manuscript Template.docx, or the Manuscript Template.dotx (downloadable template) for the layout of your article.
  • The manuscript must be written in English or in any of the official Nordic languages. When a Nordic language is used, authors must include the abstract and keywords also in English.
  • Proofreading of the submitted manuscript is the responsibility of the author, both before submission and after acceptance.
  • Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order: 1) the main document with a title, abstract, keywords, the main text, references, and appendices (as appropriate); and 2) a separate cover page providing information about all authors of the manuscript, including their full names, affiliations, email addresses, and ORCiD identification if available. Both these documents are to be uploaded in "2. Upload Submission".
  • One author should be identified as the corresponding author. Please give the affiliation where the research was conducted. If any named co-authors move affiliation during the peer review process, the new affiliation can be given as a footnote. Please note that no changes to affiliation can be made after the manuscript is accepted. Please note that the email address of the corresponding author will be displayed in the article.
  • Papers of a minimum of 5000 words (inclusive of all texts, bios, abstracts, references, appendices, tables/figures, etc.) and not exceeding 8000 words will be considered for review. 
  • All persons who have a reasonable claim to authorship must be named in the manuscript as co-authors; the corresponding author must be authorized by all co-authors to act as an agent on their behalf in all matters pertaining to the publication of the manuscript, and the order of names should be agreed by all authors.
  • For all manuscripts non-discriminatory language is mandatory. Sexist or racist terms must not be used.
The manuscript should be in a separate document ready for blind review, i.e. removing identifying markers. Please ensure:
  • 150–300 word abstract
  • If the manuscript is in a Nordic language, the abstract and keywords must also be written in English
  • 3-5 keywords
  • Follow the APA 7th ed. referencing style, including DOI in the list of references whenever the DOI is available (see Here is a reference quick guide to APA 7th ed. referencing.

Forum requirements: 

  • A Forum submission is an informed and critically reflective contribution to a contemporary topic drawing from different experiences, relevant for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. The Forum section may also include book reviews and discussion pieces.
  • Submissions should be between 1000-2000 words if it is single-authored and fully referenced. Multi-authored pieces can be expanded to a maximum of 4000 words.
  • Perspectives and views should be concise with reference to relevant literature.
  • While Forum submissions are not traditional academic articles, the writing style must nevertheless avoid the use of jargon and undefined acronyms. Submissions should not be overly rhetorical or polemical.

Special Issue Proposals

Preparing a Special Issue Proposal:

More details

Your proposal for a Special Issue should contain:

  • the name and address for communication of the guest editor(s) and their affiliation;
  • a 500-word rationale (excluding references) explaining the scope and significance of the proposed theme, including a comparative and/or international dimension and the relevance to the NJCIE audience;
  • a list of key references for the proposed theme showing that it is grounded in the state of the art for the field;
  • a tentative timeline for the special issue including the call for papers, review process, feedback, revision and date for final publication;
  • a list of proposed reviewers

Submitting your proposal:

Proposals for special issues should be sent to the Editors-in-Chief. Those with potential will be circulated to the editorial board for evaluation. Proposals are evaluated collaboratively by all members of the editorial team according to the following criteria:

  • suitability of the topic for the NJCIE
  • overall quality of the proposal: originality and contribution to the field
  • theoretical background of the rationale and individual papers
  • methodological adequacy of the individual papers
  • completeness of the proposal
  • feasibility of the plan for delivery
  • guest editor’s experience in editorial work

The proposal review process will take 4 to 6 weeks, and prospective guest editors will be notified thereafter.

After acceptance:

Following acceptance, the guest editors will receive a guest editor contract, where the timelines and arrangements for the issue are agreed upon and included. In collaboration with the guest editors, a special issue ‘set-up’ form will be developed together with the designated journal editorial contact, which will drive the editorial workflow going forward, including the preparation of the online submission system and submission deadlines.

Guest editors will be responsible for the peer review of papers in the issue, and for observing the editorial procedures of NJCIE. NJCIE adheres to a double-blind peer review process, in which the names of the authors and reviewers are both concealed from one another. A minimum of two reviews are required for each paper, and guest editors should expect, and allow for a minimum of one round of revision for each submission. Guest editors should also be aware that the Editors-in-Chief retain the final decision on the acceptance of papers in special issues and will take responsibility for the peer review of any contributions to the issue authored by the guest editors.


Special Issue papers are published directly once they are accepted.

NJCIE is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality original articles in English or an official Nordic language. There is no Article Processing Charge (APC) involved in publishing with this journal. NJCIE considers manuscripts between 5000-8000 words (inclusive of all texts, bios, abstracts, references, appendices, tables/figures etc.). For more detailed information, see the authors’ guidelines.  

For expressions of interest and queries, you may contact the journal.

Book reviews:

NJCIE seeks to review a wide range of academic texts focusing on comparative and international education. To express your interest in reviewing a book or to suggest a book for review, please get in touch with Dr. Teklu Abate Bekele, NJCIE Reviews editor, by emailing We usually only review books published in the last three years. When we receive a review copy of a relevant book from the publisher, we assign it to our book review editor, who then commissions the review from a scholar in the field.

If you are a publisher, please send review copies of relevant books to Professor Halla Holmarsdottir, Oslo Metropolitan University, P. O. Box 4 St. Olavs plass, N-0130 OSLO, Norway. NJCIE relies on publishers to send us review copies of new books in a timely fashion. We do not actively solicit books from publishers.

Relevant books are scholarly monographs and collections that fit within the area encompassing the field of comparative and international education. This area includes themes focusing on analyzing educational discourse, policy, and practice and their implications for teaching and learning, particularly investigating topics through an interdisciplinary lens focusing on new insights and fostering critical debate about the role of education in diverse societies.

Book Review Guidelines

Please note: The following guidelines are for use by book reviewers who have been commissioned by the NJCIE book review editor. NJCIE does not accept unsolicited book reviews. Completed reviews should be returned to the book review editor who assigned them and the review should be uploaded on the journal platform under the book review section. It must be uploaded as a Microsoft Word email attachment (1.5 spaced, Calibri Body font, 11 pt). The editorial office reserves the right to copyedit all articles accepted for publication.

Suggestions for Writing a Book Review

A book review should evaluate the arguments of a book rather than repeat information readily available online. In other words, it should not be a chapter-by-chapter summary of a text, but rather a critical discussion of its theses, structure, and style that places the text within the context of scholarly literature. NJCIE wants to hear your opinion and expects reviews to be well-written, lively, and engaging. Some themes to consider while writing a book review include:

  • The persuasiveness of the author's thesis, originality, and theoretical framework
  • The coherence and clarity of the author's presentation
  • The soundness, accuracy, and thoroughness of the scholarship
  • The effectiveness of the writing style and organization of the book
  • The relevance of the source material relative to the book's larger aims
  • The book's contribution to debates in a field or body of literature
  • The audience for which the book would be most appropriate or useful
  • The clarity/effectiveness of the author's use of footnotes/endnotes/bibliography
  • The effectiveness of the inclusion of charts, maps, illustrations, etc.

In addition, readers should know whether or not you recommend the book.

For preparations and formatting, please look at one of the previous book reviews.

Emerging Scholars

The Emerging Scholars section summarizes and disseminates recently completed doctoral dissertations (formal acceptance of the doctoral dissertation by the faculty is a precondition of publication in this section) and research projects by post-doctoral researchers. The submissions published in this section should offer a concise description of the study including its theoretical and conceptual framing, methodological choices, main results, and significance for the field of comparative and international education and the wider public (when applicable). For recently completed PhDs, the submission can be based on your introductory lecture at the public defense/viva, when applicable to your country and institutional context.

The section welcomes submissions in textual format and/or as short videos. Textual submissions should be between 1000-3000 words. Please use references to other literature when applicable, following the journal’s referencing guidelines.


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