Humanistic Thought and Education for Sustainable Development
Education for sustainable development, humanism, education philosophy, quality education, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Abstract
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is an education concept, central to what is globally understood as quality education and endorsed by the United Nations as a key enabler of all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ESD has been around for more than three decades and has sparked its own academic discourse and field of research. Yet, ESD is not fully embedded in all education systems and within societies. Although stakeholders from academia and practice are engaged in addressing ESD since its inclusion in Agenda 21 in 1992, there has been a struggle to develop a shared conceptual understanding. The discussion in theory and practice is still underway, with researchers grappling in depth with the understanding of ESD, its thematic width, concrete implementation, and tangible outcomes. Following the current quest by UNESCO to reconsider existing ways of knowing and to question where knowledge comes from and how we add to it, the authors of this article examined a sample of ESD literature on whether epistemic foundations of ESD including its role as a program within UNESCO are considered in the discourse. They concentrate in their review on humanist approaches as an important perspective for UNESCO. The results point to a gap in the current literature. The authors also show that, if ESD was grounded in humanistic thought, it could pose a barrier for certain worldviews to engage with or implement ESD. Therefore, ESD’s foundations require further examination. This paper is a first step in drawing attention to the need to make ESD’s foundations more explicit.
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