How do vocational teacher educators conceptualise and enact vocational didactics in vocational teacher education and training?
self-study , vocational teacher educator, vocational didactics, practical theory, work integrated learningAbstract
The article focuses on filling a research gap by exploring how vocational teacher educators create knowledge in vocational didactics through self-study in the context of work integrated learning. It argues that the conceptualizations and applications of vocational didactics by these educators enhance the research foundation of Swedish vocational teacher education and training and contribute to the professional knowledge base of vocational teacher educators.
The methodology of self-study offers flexible ways for interactive, iterative, and collaborative inquiry. The data consists of colleague interviews (N=10) carried out in spring term 2021. The research questions are What epistemic resources do vocational teacher educators use to articulate their practical vocational didactics theory? How do they express their practical vocational didactics theory when they enact vocational didactics content?
Through collective reflection the vocational teacher educators develop their vocational didactics practical theory using their personal and therefore idiosyncratic resources, e.g., previous work and educational experiences. These epistemic resources center on a radical acknowledgement of the vocational teacher students’ vocational knowing that they together transform into vocational didactics content. The radical acknowledgement supports shaping a more equal relationship built on a presumed reciprocal recognition of different but complementary specialised knowing. The vocational teacher educators’ knowing in the field of vocational didactics appears as generalist and requires close cooperation with specialists who supervise the students in their periods of work integrated learning. Through stories as a resource, the vocational teacher educators articulate their practical vocational didactics theory. The stories are used in the article to propose a model for a vocational subject didactics analysis. The article is an empirical contribution to the discussion of opportunities and constraints for work integrated learning in teacher education.
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