Students with minority backgrounds in adult education in health work

Vocational didactics in meeting the students' learning prerequisites related to the subject vocational specialisation


  • Sigrun Saur Stiklestad OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet
  • Marianne Bergskaug Monrad-Krohn OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet



Vocational didactics, minority background, adult education, health work, vocational in-depth learning


The topic of the article is students with a minority background in adult education in the health worker profession. In the article, the attention is primarily directed to the vocational teachers' practice of vocational didactics linked to this group of students' learning requirements, in relation to the subject vocational deepening. An important matter has been to take a closer look at whether there is anything distinctive about this group of students' learning requirements, and whether the vocational teachers' vocational didactic approach corresponds to these. The empirical basis for the investigation is qualitative in-depth interviews with vocational teachers and students with a minority background in adult education in the health profession. The survey helps to highlight that this group of students has several special learning requirements, which the vocational teachers must take into account in their vocational didactic learning work. The adult students have special learning requirements by virtue of being adults: They have clear goals for the training, they participate actively and are motivated in the learning work. They have a greater amount of experience, which is particularly relevant for the healthcare profession. This constitutes a significant resource. The students' Norwegian language skills are initially mainly weak, but the students develop their language skills through the training. This poses a significant challenge. The vocational teachers express that they make a significant effort in the training to develop the students' Norwegian language skills closely linked to the health education. Despite weak language skills, this group of students excels in practice in a positive way, with the background that they rely on their previous, rich experiences.


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How to Cite

Stiklestad, S. S., & Monrad-Krohn, M. B. (2025). Students with minority backgrounds in adult education in health work: Vocational didactics in meeting the students’ learning prerequisites related to the subject vocational specialisation. Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development, 10(1), 62–81.



Special issue on vocational didactics