Learning about materiality through tinkering with Micro:bits
https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.4636Emneord (Nøkkelord):
Art and design education, materiality, programming, Micro:bits, citizenshipSammendrag
This paper discusses two pilot projects in Art and design education at the teacher training at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. In the second round of drafts for the new curriculum of Art and design digital knowledge is described as stretching from using simple digital resources to master and shape your own digital products. It is no longer limited to two-dimensional visual modelling as previously drafted. This is in our view a new approach in a subject where making, tinkering and designing allows for explorations in both 2D and 3D. Given that we want to encourage the use of the digital together with the use of physical materials, the pilot case studies demonstrate the importance of bringing coding and the material aspects of tinkering, making, and creating into play. The BBC Micro:bit was used to make coding and mechanical control part of projects made with traditional material. Further research and development should be undertaken to bring such practices into classrooms in primary and lower secondary schools.
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Opphavsrett 2021 Ingvild Digranes, Jon Hoem, Arnhild Liene Stenersen

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