Critical design literacy at the level of primary and lower secondary education

Four narratives in the development of design competence for sustainable futures


  • Eva Lutnæs Oslo Metropolitan University



Design literacy, general education, critical reflection, literature review, narratives, Art and Crafts


Products of human creativity have altered nature to such an extent that a new geological epoch has been proposed, the Anthropocene. Design as a discipline bring forth a transformative agenda - always on the way to something new. Will the development of pupils’ design literacies at the level of primary and lower secondary education only increase the burden on nature? Here, it is crucial which roles the pupils are offered through education, as well as how design is understood and practiced. In this literature review, the transition to a more sustainable society is set as a premise when academic texts are examined. Four narratives are identified as vital to cultivate design literacy and provide a basis to define what it means to be a design literate general public in a context of critical innovation.


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How to Cite

Lutnæs, E. (2021). Critical design literacy at the level of primary and lower secondary education: Four narratives in the development of design competence for sustainable futures. FormAkademisk, 14(3).

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