About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Techne series publishes peer-reviewed research in in Sloyd Education and Crafts Science in Nordic languages and English. The journal opens up various theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives on education and learning in the field of Sloyd/Craft [swe. Slöjd]. The Techne series publishes articles that discuss processes, materiality, and body-based aspects related to the journal's focus. The articles can focus on educational, psychological, social, cultural and technical contexts in formal and informal physical and virtual learning environments.

The journal's name originates from the Greek word Techne which is used in the meaning of doing and being able to make something artisanal and artistic. It is also used in the widest sense of knowing and understanding – manage and execute or to be familiar with something. The Techne series was started in 1995 as a printed publication; from 2011 the journal is published as “open access”.

The Techne series is owned by NordFo, the Nordic forum for Research and Development work in Educational Sloyd/Craft [swe. Slöjd]. In NordFo context is Slöjd, with its educational meaning, used as an umbrella term for education, teaching and learning at all levels of the education system in activities where materials and tools are included in the making of artifact.

Peer Review Process

The Techne series holds Level 1 of the “Publication Forum (JUFO)” created by the Scientific Society's delegationhere.

The Editorial Board appoints two independent reviewers (with PhD degree) who get a month's time to review a submitted manuscript. After that, the author will receive comments on the manuscrips from the reviewers via the “Techne reviewers form”. When you, as the author, have decided on the comments and corrected your text, resubmit the manuscript and a separate file where you describe the changes you have made. After the editor has decided on the revised manuscript, you can still be asked to make final changes. When the manuscript is almost ready to be published, you will be asked to make a final check that everything is in order the way you as the author have intended. After this, the Techne series editor sends the manuscript for plagiarism review.

The finished article will be published as soon as possible. The whole process, from submitting the first manuscript to published article, can take up to one year.

NordFo http://nordfo.blogspot.com/
Slöjd http://nordfo.blogspot.com/p/om-nordfo.html
JUFO Publication Forum https://www.julkaisufoorumi.fi/en


Digital preservation in the PKP Preservation Network

The journal has signed up for the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) which uses the LOCKSS program for decentralized distributed digital preservation. This ensures continued access to the journal's content in the event of catastrophic failure or if the journal is no longer published and removed from the web, the content can still be made available again by PKP PN.