Welcome as a reviewer

In order to enable the publication of high-quality research to continue in the future, work from expert reviewers is needed. The Techne Series would like you who have a doctorate and expertise in the Techne Series' focus area to act as a reviewer.
In this way, we can continue to ensure the versatile research that is done in the craft field.

If you are a new user in the Techne series

Register by filling in the fields that appear when you press the Register button in the top right of the website.
Remember to press REGISTER at the bottom of the page.

When you register, you automatically receive the roles Reader and Author.
When you wish to expand your role to Reviewer, follow the steps described below.

Help can also be found here.

If you are a previous user, but want to expand your role to reviewer

Log in with your username in the top right corner of the page.
Click on the user icon and then "Edit profile".
Under the "Roles" tab, select the roles you want to have in the journal.

Remember to SAVE at the bottom of the page.

More help on how to change your role in the journal can be found here.