Information For Authors

Author Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register as an author with the journal?

  1. Follow this REGISTER link, also found at the top of every page to start the registration process.
  2. By default, only the reader role is selected, but you can choose any combination of the following roles: (reader, author and reviewer).
  3. Be sure to check Author checkbox in the Register as section of the registration form if you want to be able to submit articles.

How do I submit an article to the Journal?

  • In order to submit an article, you need to be logged in and registered as an author at the Journal.
  • Users registered as an author at the Journal will find author related links listed under the Journal on the USER HOME page. Author related links: Author, and [New Submission]
  • From USER HOME, below Techne serien, follow [New Submission] to begin the submission process.

I am already registered, but not as an author, how do I manage my roles?

  1. Log in - You will be logged in to the USER HOME page, and will see all the journals that you are registered in.
  2. Follow the link to the journal where you want to add role as an author (Techne serien).
  3. Click Edit My Profile
  4. Scroll down to Roles, and check the Author role in the checkbox.
  5. Remember to click Save at the bottom to save your settings!

How do I update my article with a new version after submission?

After submitting an article, if you want to upload an updated version of the article, do not start a [New Submission] as this will start a whole new submission process and will give the journal manager a lot of extra work.

  1. From USER HOME, below Techneserien, follow the Author or Active link as this will take you to a page with the submissions you already have.
  2. Select the submission where you want to upload a new version of the manuscript.
  3. On the top there will be links to SUMMARY, REVIEW and EDITING. Choose REVIEW.
  4. Upload your updated manuscript below the Editor Decision headline next to Upload Author Version.

What happens after submitting?

Your article will be sent to two reviewers. The reviewers have at least two months for the blind review process. You will then receive comments on your text from both of the reviewers (Techne reviewers form). After editing your manuscript you resubmit the text along with the "Techne author form" where you outline the changes that you have done.

After an editorial review, final changes will be made if needed.

After that the author sends the manuscript to URKUND for plagiarism screening. Send your manuscript as an attached file by e-mail to


The article will then be published as soon as possible. The whole process might take up to a year. Special issues might take longer.