Review guidelines

The following points summarize what reviewers in the Techne Series should consider when reviewing manuscripts.
The points can also be used as a "checklist" for those writing articles.

1) Relevance of research topic. Evaluate the relevance of the topic and objectives of the paper. Is the content the article appropriate to Techne journal?
2) Abstract. Is the length and content of the abstract suitable? How about the clarity?
3) Theoretical background. Is the theoretical introduction to the research problems and the research field properly described? Is the literature of the topic relevant? If not, please briefly indicate your reservations in comment section.
4) Novelty/Originality. The article provides new information and new perspectives.
5) Research objectives. Are the research aims or questions clearly defined?
6) Research methods, data and analysis of the data. Are the methods, collected data and method of data analysis accurately and sufficiently explicated? Relevance of research data and credibility of data collection.
7) Reporting of research results. Are the results reported precisely and responded to research aims and questions?
8) Clarity and polishing of text. Is the structure of the article coherent? Clarity of pictures, tables and figures? Clarity, grammar, spelling and fluency of language. Is the reference style APA (American Psychological Association) used consistently?