Learning craft skills. Exploring preschoolers' craft making process


  • Virpi Yliverronen University of Helsinki
  • Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen University of Helsinki


The aim of this study was to explore a preschooler craft-making process in which 18 preschool novices cut pieces for fabric bags and designed and printed patterns to decorate the bags. Through the task, children were familiarised with a small-scale holistic craft process. The intention was to determine how preschoolers perceived, verbalised and interpreted the craft-making process and how children used bodily expressions when explaining a learned craft skill. The present study relies on the videographic method: two preschool groups’ stamp printing activities were recorded, and each child was interviewed individually. Children’s embodied expressions were particularly in focus in video analysis. The results reveal that all the children were able to sufficiently explain the making phase, however, some children compensated for missing words using bodily and facial expressions and gestures when talking about making. The results showed that children worked logically, and the skill learning phases of perceiving, making, and interpretation were revealed from their learning.




How to Cite

Yliverronen, V., & Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P. (2016). Learning craft skills. Exploring preschoolers’ craft making process. Techne Series - Research in Sloyd Education and Craft Science A, 23(2). Retrieved from https://journals.oslomet.no/index.php/techneA/article/view/1505


