OsloMet Periodika – publishing platform for Open Access journals

The University library offers a publishing solution for Open Access journals published at OsloMet, via Open Journal Systems. Our aim is to remove the technical obstacles in journal publishing, and we offer the technical solution and user support needed to publish an academic journal.

If you would like to learn more about journal publishing or want to talk about publishing a journal please contact us at ojs@oslomet.no. Read more about starting a new journal.

All our journals publish under a Creative Commons license, are free to read and do not require an article publishing charge (APC) to publish. Article submissions are open to everyone.


  • FormAkademisk

    FormAkademisk – research journal of desig and design education – is a peer-reviewed scientific forum for the documentation of design and design education research, broadly defined. We publish articles within fields such as industrial design, visual communication, interaction design, architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism and design education at all levels from kindergarten to the doctoral level. FormAkademisk aims to create a forum for the exchange of research results and concepts across different design cultures and design practices, within design theory and design history, practice-based research and design education.

  • FLEKS - Scandinavian Journal of Intercultural Theory and Practice

    FLEKS - Scandinavian Journal of Intercultural Theory and practice was a double-blind peer-reviewed, open access journal. The journal focused on the following topics:

    • intercultural communication
    • cross-cultural studies
    • multicultural studies
    • intercultural pedagogy, psychology and philosophy
    • professions in diverse societies
    • language, interpreting and translation
    • development studies
    • migration health
    • diversity management

    The journal provided an academic platform for researchers and professionals to contribute innovative work in the field. Based in a Scandinavian context, characterized by prioritizing no single theoretical horizon or methodological approach, the journal created a space for development of the research field.

    The journal published: Research articles, Pedagogical development work, Book reviews, Student essays.

    The journal was discontinued with the last issue Vol 7. No. 1 (2020).

  • Nordic Journal of Art & Research

    Nordic Journal of Art & Research is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal aimed at disseminating knowledge and experience from research and development projects based on artistic practice and reflection, art education, art theory, and cultural theory.

  • Human Rights Education Review

    Human Rights Education Review provides a forum for research and critical scholarship in human rights education. The journal is dedicated to an examination of human rights education theory, philosophy, policy, and praxis, and welcomes contributions that address teaching and learning in formal and informal settings, at all levels from early childhood to higher education, including professional education. The journal aims to stimulate transdisciplinary debate, addressing rights as they relate to citizenship, identity and belonging. HRER welcomes studies that address justice and rights in a variety of settings, in both established democracies and conflict-ridden societies.

  • Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE)

    The Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) is the only journal in the Nordic countries specifically addressing themes within our field and serves as a connecting node for comparative scholars in, or interested in, the region. NJCIE is a Diamond Open Access journal following the Science Europe initiative working to strengthen Diamond Open Access in scholarly publishing.

    We invite papers that seek to analyze educational discourse, policy and practice and their implications for teaching and learning, and particularly invite papers investigating topics through an interdisciplinary lens focusing on new insights and fostering critical debate about the role of education in diverse societies. NJCIE is concerned with the interplay of local, national, regional and global contexts shaping education. The ways in which local understandings can bring to light the trends, effects and influences that exist in different contexts globally highlight the general understanding of Comparative and International Education in NJCIE.

    All papers should include a comparative and/or international dimension. Furthermore, all contributions must engage with wider theories and debates in the field of comparative and international education and include a Nordic and/or global perspective.

    NJCIE invites Nordic and international contributions alike. The journal includes research from all geographic regions in the world. The journal invites contributions in English and all official Nordic languages. NJCIE aims for four issues per year.

  • Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift

    The Nordic Administrative Journal (NAT) is an interdisciplinary, open access journal published by the Nordic Administrative Association (NAF). The journal has strong roots. It has been published since 1920 and is the oldest interdisciplinary journal in the Nordic region.

    As a scientific journal, the purpose is to unite experts in public administration and scientists who research public administration. Interdisciplinary is the journal's traditional strategy. This means that the perspective on the public administration can be legal, financial, administrative scientific/organizational or political science. Particularly desirable are comparisons of Nordic administrative practice and the facilitation for discussion, partly on the basis of scientific articles, and that management experts participate in the discourse.

    The journal unites the Nordic departments of NAF and also informs about their activities and about current administrative events in the Nordic countries.

    The journal usually publishes three numbers annually. The journal publishes articles in the Scandinavian languages Danish, Norwegian and Swedish. Authors who do not speak Scandinavian languages can publish their articles in English.

    NAT welcomes reviews, comments, book reviews and scientific articles that address these topics. Commentaries about scientific articles are also desirable. All scientific papers go through an anonymous peer review.

  • Professions and Professionalism

    Professions and Professionalism (P&P) is an open-access journal that invites research-based empirical, theoretical or synoptic articles focusing on traditional professions as well as other knowledge based occupational groups.

  • Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology

    Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology (RERM) is an open-access,  on-line, peer reviewed, English-language journal publishing work that investigates and theorizes  a variety of experimental and exploratory research methodologies in educational contexts.  RERM welcomes critical academic scholarship that seeks to advance contemporary research methodologies. 

  • Radiography Open

    Radiography Open is an open access scientific journal that publishes scientific original articles, review articles, and case studies, within a broad understanding of radiography. In addition, Radiography Open publishes columns that underpin evidence-based practice within radiography.

  • Seminar.net

    "Seminar.net" is an international journal, which publishes refereed articles dealing with research into theoretical or practical aspects related to the learning of adolescents, adults and elderly, in formal or informal educational settings. The use of information and communication technologies in general in these settings is a vital field of interest for the journal.

  • Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development

    Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development (SJVD) is a peer-reviewed, Level 1 and Open Access journal for the vocational and professional fields. The journal has routines for double-blind peer-review. From 2021 SJVD publishes all articles under the Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0

  • Techne Series - Research in Sloyd Education and Craft Science A

    Techne serien ägs av NordFo, Nordiskt forum för forskning och utvecklingsarbete inom utbildning i slöjd. Serien startades 1995 som en tryckt publikation, från och med 2011 görs all publicering som ”open access”. Journalens namn har sitt ursprung i det grekiska ordet Techne som används i betydelsen att göra och kunna någonting hantverksmässigt och konstnärligt, samt att förstå och veta i ordets vidaste betydelse; att klara av och verkställa eller att vara förtrogen med någonting. Techne serien publicerar peer review granskad forskning inom slöjdpedagogik och slöjdvetenskap på nordiska språk och engelska. Journalen öppnar upp för olika teoretiska, metodologiska och empiriska perspektiv på utbildning och lärande inom slöjdfältet. Techne serien publicerar artiklar som diskuterar processer, materialitet och kroppsbaserade aspekter relaterade till slöjdområdet. Artiklarna kan fokusera på bland annat pedagogiska, psykologiska, sociala, kulturella och teknologiska sammanhang i formella och informella fysiska och virtuella lärmiljöer.

  • Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning

    Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning blir fra og med 2019 gitt ut på Universitetsforlaget som Nordisk tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning. 

  • Tidsskriftet Arkiv

    Tidsskriftet Arkiv er nå lagt ned. Tidsskriftet hadde som formål å styrke den vitskaplege tilnærminga til arkivfaget og skulel vere ein uavhengig arena for fagleg utvikling og debatt. Tidsskriftet publiserte fagfellevurdert artiklar og fagartiklar utan fagfellevurdering, debattinnlegg og redaksjonelle kommentarar.